
Impulse buys are all around us especially online

Impulse buying – why we do it and how it’s triggered

There is sound psychology behind the well known sales maxim, “Sell the sizzle, not the steak.” Focus on the effects and benefits rather than on the item or service being sold. Our imaginations grab hold of the potential gratification and…

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Suppliers are key to good public sector procurement

Be Connected Data Analysis – What about Suppliers?

A great public sector procurement deal has several successful components. All should be present to qualify it as a “good deal”. Here are 4 that spring to mind: Lower cost, ideally through collaborative procurement for greater buying power Demonstrable savings…

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Voluntary community service in action

A better way of dealing with council tax arrears

Local authorities depend on several streams of income for funding, such as council tax and parking fines, apart from central government assistance. Cutbacks caused by austerity policies restrict budgets for front line services and make these alternative revenue sources even…

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IT managers need BeConnected to make their lives far easier

IT Managers, BeConnected boosts your capability too!

BeConnected is a marvellous tool for public sector procurement managers who want to save costs and stretch their budget. But did you know how it is also invaluable for non-procurement managers? In this series of short articles we will explore…

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IT strategy cloud services diagram

How to draft the best IT strategy in the public sector

Tactics win battles – strategies win the war. Countries that copied China’s strategy to combat the COVID-19 coronavirus achieved the best outcomes for controlling the disease. Alexander the Great excelled at military strategy and many commanders successfully copied his methods,…

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