
Hemp has thousands of insutrial uses

Hemp’s role in reducing our dependence on plastic

Industrial hemp is part of the answer to the proliferation of plastic. The shame of it is that plastic is a truly useful and essential material but we have abused it unforgivably, and that behaviour shows no signs of abating…

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Electric car recharging on the street

Localism and Electric Cars – Regenerating UK Economy

Innovation must be a driving force behind regenerating the UK economy post-Covid. Focused localism with well-chosen projects gives people a chance to get involved, feel a sense of ownership and use their capabilities to rebuild the country. We make the…

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Living off-grid UK

Living Off The Grid – Can it be done in the UK?

The grid refers to the mains electricity network. The core concept of Living Off The Grid means disconnecting from most or all of our everyday creature comforts and returning to a much simpler way of life. No TV, radio or…

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How to reduce our plastics usage

7 Ways to Reduce Your Plastic Footprint

Climate disaster plagues the minds of many. With between 4.8 and 12.7 million tonnes of plastic entering the ocean each year, plastic pollution is at the forefront of the issue. You only have to see pictures of beaches in the…

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Microplastic pollution has been found in the Highlands of Scotland

The Tiny Killers Haunting Your Body

The world is facing a plastic pollution crisis. Due to its well-engineered chemical composition, plastic can last over 2000 years before it decays [1]. We see compelling images of beaches in the Far East enveloped in plastics but what we…

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5G masts need to be far closer to us

Is 5G really a health hazard?

Is 5G really a health hazard? Video clips appeared about 10 years ago during the 3G mobile communications era that appeared to show that mobile phones placed in a circle around a few grains of maize generated enough heat and…

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Cycling is so good but we need to make it safer

Pedalling a future

Walking around Amsterdam on a still and sultry late summer evening, there is no breeze but the air is fresh. No obvious traffic pollution assails our nostrils. We are struck by how it’s cyclists that generate air currents as they…

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Electronic road signs have potential for emergency service traffic

Electronic road signs can be a boon for our emergency services

Modern digital road signage, where different messages can be displayed from a remote control unit, offer a marvellous opportunity to ease the way for emergency services. With the advent of almost-instant 5G communications and the Internet of Things (IoT), joined-up…

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