Public Health

Video of a head teacher in China helping his students exercise using dance in the playground

Young Minds – positive action for better nurturing

This proposal focuses on using technology to develop the right kind of mindset in our children. Specifically, how it can help form habits that last a lifetime and inform day-to-day decisions. A country’s children are its most precious cargo. The…

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Music is a powerful mental stimulant that helps dementia sufferers

Music and Memory: The Key to Unlocking Dementia?

Music is a very powerful stimulant. The first notes of a song can take us back instantly to another time and place. All the emotions of that occasion come flooding back. And it’s simple to reproduce music anytime, anywhere. It’s…

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Hemp has thousands of insutrial uses

Hemp’s role in reducing our dependence on plastic

Industrial hemp is part of the answer to the proliferation of plastic. The shame of it is that plastic is a truly useful and essential material but we have abused it unforgivably, and that behaviour shows no signs of abating…

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There will be 3 billion social media users by 2021

Social Media – Land of the Anxious

Whether from the news, the internet, or a worried parent, claims that social media have negative effects on the mental health of children and adults are unavoidable. As of 2021 there will be 3 billion social media users worldwide [1]…

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A Mediterrenean Diet helps fight against dementia

Defend Against Dementia – The Mediterranean Diet

Which do you fear the most – death, cancer or dementia? Almost 10 years ago, the charity Alzheimer’s Research UK asked 2,000 people that question. Dementia came top of the list for 31% Cancer was 2nd in 27% Death was…

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Silence and solitude - quiet moments are vital for physical and mental wellbeing

Seeking Quiet: The Proven Benefits of Silence

Have you ever been stressed by a screaming baby on an airplane? Or just by the hustle and bustle all around? The you will appreciate how a spell of silence can truly be golden. Noise is very bad for us…

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Fake digital Covid passport

Fake digital vaccine passports showing up on the NHS app

Anybody who is vaccinated people, or has a NHS Covid pass, is exempt from the UK’s regulations that insist on quarantine on arrival from official amber-list countries. Criminals have been fast to get on board and forgeries appear to be…

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Freshers face stress and mental health challenges

Stress From Day 1: The Diary of a Fresher

It’s time! With bags packed, dogs tearily left, and mums tearily leaving, university can begin. The start of this time is marked by a special week loved by many – Freshers’ week. Controversial and fun, Freshers’ week is a time…

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