Local Authorities

Electric car recharging on the street

Localism and Electric Cars – Regenerating UK Economy

Innovation must be a driving force behind regenerating the UK economy post-Covid. Focused localism with well-chosen projects gives people a chance to get involved, feel a sense of ownership and use their capabilities to rebuild the country. We make the…

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Volunteer today - help the NHS fight the coronavirus pandemic

Join the NHS volunteer force today

You can join the NHS volunteering effort at this link: https://www.goodsamapp.org/NHS Everybody over 18 who is healthy and fit and is not experiencing any symptoms of illness is welcome to join. Tasks will be carried out at safe distancing. What…

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Suppliers are key to good public sector procurement

Be Connected Data Analysis – What about Suppliers?

A great public sector procurement deal has several successful components. All should be present to qualify it as a “good deal”. Here are 4 that spring to mind: Lower cost, ideally through collaborative procurement for greater buying power Demonstrable savings…

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Voluntary community service in action

A better way of dealing with council tax arrears

Local authorities depend on several streams of income for funding, such as council tax and parking fines, apart from central government assistance. Cutbacks caused by austerity policies restrict budgets for front line services and make these alternative revenue sources even…

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