Blue Lights

Volunteer today - help the NHS fight the coronavirus pandemic

Join the NHS volunteer force today

You can join the NHS volunteering effort at this link: Everybody over 18 who is healthy and fit and is not experiencing any symptoms of illness is welcome to join. Tasks will be carried out at safe distancing. What…

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Suppliers are key to good public sector procurement

Be Connected Data Analysis – What about Suppliers?

A great public sector procurement deal has several successful components. All should be present to qualify it as a “good deal”. Here are 4 that spring to mind: Lower cost, ideally through collaborative procurement for greater buying power Demonstrable savings…

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IT managers need BeConnected to make their lives far easier

IT Managers, BeConnected boosts your capability too!

BeConnected is a marvellous tool for public sector procurement managers who want to save costs and stretch their budget. But did you know how it is also invaluable for non-procurement managers? In this series of short articles we will explore…

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Electronic road signs have potential for emergency service traffic

Electronic road signs can be a boon for our emergency services

Modern digital road signage, where different messages can be displayed from a remote control unit, offer a marvellous opportunity to ease the way for emergency services. With the advent of almost-instant 5G communications and the Internet of Things (IoT), joined-up…

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IT strategy cloud services diagram

How to draft the best IT strategy in the public sector

Tactics win battles – strategies win the war. Countries that copied China’s strategy to combat the COVID-19 coronavirus achieved the best outcomes for controlling the disease. Alexander the Great excelled at military strategy and many commanders successfully copied his methods,…

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